Public Offer

1. General Provisions

1.1 This public agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”) is an official offer of Individual Entrepreneur Alydzhi Oksana Sergeyevna (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), addressed to any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”), and contains all the essential conditions for the provision of consulting services, a comprehensive list of which is published in the Internet at https:// (hereinafter referred to as “Website”).

1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”) this contract is a public offer and in case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below and payment for the services of the Contractor, the person who makes an acceptance of this offer, becomes a Client (buyer) in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code, the acceptance of the offer is tantamount to making a contract in terms set forth in the offer.

1.3. In connection with the above, carefully read the text of this contract and if you do not agree with any point of the contract, the Contractor offers you to refuse any action necessary for the acceptance or to conclude a personal contract on separately discussed with the Contractor conditions.

1.4. By paying for the services, the Client guarantees that he has read and accepts all the terms of the offer as they are set out in the text of this Contract-Offer, as well as familiarized with the cost of services listed on the Contractor’s website.

2. Terms of this Contract-Offer

2.1. The Contract-Offer is an agreement between the Contractor and the Client for training services, which is concluded by accepting the offer.

2.2 Acceptance of the Offer is full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by the Client’s actions to make an advance payment for training services.

2.3 Client is a person who has carried out the acceptance of the offer, and is thus the Client of the Contractor’s services under the concluded Contract-Offer.

2.4 Service is a one-time act of rendering services to the Client, expressed as a paid consultation at the Client’s choice.

3. Subject of the Contract-Offer

3.1 The subject of this Contract-Offer is the Contractor’s paid services to the Client in accordance with the terms of this offer and the current list of services of the Contractor, published on the website.

3.2. By signing the Contract-Offer, the Client hereby confirms that on the date of signing this Contract-Offer (acceptance) has received from the Contractor all complete and exhaustive information about the cost, duration and content of the training program, its timing and procedure for Services.

3.3. The full list, the subject of training are published on the internet on the https website://

3.4. Contractor has the right at any time to change the terms of this public offer unilaterally without prior coordination with the Client, while ensuring the publication of amended conditions on the Internet at the site specified in this Contract-Offer not less than one day before their entry into force.

4. Assurances and guarantees of the parties

4.1. The Contractor certifies and warrants that it is an Individual Entrepreneur registered in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation and acting on the basis of the Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs issued by the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Centralised Data Processing on 16 June 2022. The Contractor shall notify that it applies the simplified taxation system in respect of its entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, based on the Notice on the transition to the simplified taxation system registered on June 16, 2016. FTS of Russia for St. Petersburg by Interdistrict Inspectorate No. 11 for St. Petersburg under Entry No. 37166A.

4.1.1. Except for the warranties expressly set out in the text of this offer agreement, the Contractor makes no other express or implied warranties in its dealings with the Client or persons represented by it.

4.2. Client represents and warrants that by acting on the acceptance of this offer, he:

– has the legal rights to enter into a contractual relationship with the Contractor;

– has sufficient legal and capacity;

– is acquainted with and has full information about the Provider contained in the Internet on the Contractor’s site and in the text of this offer-agreement;

– has provided true information about himself;

– concludes the offer voluntarily, understands the subject of the public offer and legal consequences that may arise in connection with its conclusion, performance and/or termination.

5. Procedure for the provision of services

5.1. In accordance with the terms of the offer, the Contractor undertakes to provide counselling services and the Client undertakes to pay for them under the terms of this public offer.

5.2. The types and names, period of provision, duration, cost, payment terms and other characteristics of the counselling provided are published on the Contractor’s website in the relevant sections and are chosen by the Client independently.

5.3. After concluding the agreement and paying the Contractor’s fees, the latter shall provide the Services to the Client in the following forms:

– orally, in person,

– online via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp and other available means of communication;

– in writing (this form of service does not apply to all training).

5.4. Services shall be rendered by the Contractor only on the basis of payment made by Client in accordance with the terms of this offer.

5.5. Services shall be deemed to be duly and fully rendered if no complaint is made by Client within three business days of the end of the services.

6. Cost of services and payment procedure

6.1. The cost of the Services shall be determined on the basis of the Client’s chosen counselling option offered by the Contractor on the website.

6.1.1. The fees are subject to change and depend on: the date of Client registration, and/or the volume of Services purchased, and/or Client’s individual discount.

6.2. Payment for services shall be made by the Customer on a non-cash basis on the basis of invoices issued by the Contractor by making a 100% payment on the due date of the relevant invoice.

6.3. The client is entitled to pay for the services of the contractor in one of the following ways:

– by paying electronically;

– by payment through payment terminals or internet-banking;

– by paying with a bank card;

– by paying to the current account of the Contractor.

6.4. In case of non-cash payment, the Client shall independently pay for the services of banks and payment services related to the transfer of funds to the account of the Contractor.

6.5. If the Client refuses to receive the Services he has paid for, he shall notify the Service Contractor in writing at least five days before the start of the services, stating his proper bank details to decide on the manner and timing of the refund.

6.5.1. If the above conditions are met, refunds will be made within the time limits established by applicable civil law.

6.5.2. In the case of refunds received via payment services, the fee paid to the payment service shall not be refunded.

6.5.3. In the case of payment for the provision of services at the expense of the banking service, the refund is made after deduction of the agent’s commission for engaging the banking service and the bank’s interest for the use of the service.

6.5.4 If the Client, for reasons beyond the Contractor’s control, withdraws from the Service on the dates agreed between the parties in advance and has not notified the Contractor of his wish to withdraw within a reasonable time as specified in the text of this offer agreement, the service is deemed duly provided and the monies paid shall not be refunded to the customer.

6.6. The client is solely responsible for the correctness of payments made by him.

6.7. All payments under this offer agreement shall be made in the currency of the Russian Federation.

7. Obligations of the Parties

7.1. The Client undertakes:

7.1.1. Pay for the services as set out in this agreement, the offer, on the dates agreed with the Contractor.

7.1.2. Submit all necessary documents and information to the Contractor in a timely manner. To provide the Contractor with his personal data: name, surname, date of birth, telephone number, email address the client gives his consent to the processing of his personal details by the service Contractor and to their use for sending out the Contractor’s newsletters by email and text messages. The Contractor undertakes to keep the Client’s personal data confidential.

7.1.3. Independently ensure the technical possibility of using the services of the executor on its part, namely:

– proper access to the Internet;

– availability of software compatible with the transmission of information from the Contractor and other necessary means.

7.2 The Contractor undertakes to:

7.2.1. Organise and ensure the proper provision of the services as specified on the website.

7.2.2. Contractor the services in the amount and within the deadline set forth in the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract-Offer.

7.2.3. Use all personal data and other confidential information about the customer only for the provision of training services, do not transfer and do not distribute the confidential information about the Client, which has become known in the course of the activity, to third parties.

7.2.4. To show respect to the customer, not to violate the Client’s rights to freedom of conscience, information and expression of their opinions and beliefs.

8. Rights of the Parties

8.1. The Client has the right to:

8.1.1. Demand proper and timely provision of the services by the Contractor.

8.1.2. Unsubscribe from e-mailing by clicking on the link “unsubscribe” located in every e-mail sent to the Client or, if the Client wishes to unsubscribe from any type of e-mailing, he must send a request to the e-mail address indicated on the Contractor’s website or in this Contract-Offer.

8.2. The Contractor has the right to:

8.2.1. İndependently determine forms and methods of rendering Services taking into account current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as specific terms and conditions of the offer.

8.2.2. Determine, set and change the cost of the Services at its own discretion.

8.2.3. Provide services only after the customer has paid in time and accepted this offer.

8.2.4. Receive from the customer any information necessary to perform his obligations under the offer. In case the Client fails to submit or submits incomplete or incorrect information, the Contractor shall have the right to suspend the performance of its obligations until the necessary information is submitted in full.

9. Responsibility of the parties. Dispute resolution procedure

9.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this offer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the impossibility to provide the Services by the Contractor / acceptance of the Services by the Client, if such impossibility arose due to the disruption of the Internet, software or equipment of the Client.

9.3. Any claims of the Client are considered only on the basis of a reasonable written request sent to the Contractor at the addresses specified in this offer.

9.4. All disputes and disagreements, if any, arising in the process of conclusion, performance and/or termination of this Contract-Offer, the Parties will try to resolve by negotiation. The claim procedure of dispute settlement before going to court is mandatory. The period of consideration of the claim (complaint) 30 calendar days.

9.5. If the disputes cannot be resolved by negotiation, they shall be submitted for consideration in the arbitration court at the location of the Contractor.

9.6. The Contractor’s liability under any circumstances cannot exceed the amount of payment made by the Client under this Contract-Offer.

10. Validity of the Offer. Grounds and procedure for termination of the offer

10.1. The offer enters into force from the moment of payment by the Client for the Contractor’s training services in the ways specified in this offer and on the Contractor’s website and is valid until the mutual obligations of the Parties are fulfilled in full.

10.2. The Contractor reserves the right to change the conditions of the offer and/or withdraw the offer at any time at its sole discretion. In the case of changes in the offer, such changes shall take effect from the date of publication on the website, if other effective date is not set or is not determined when publishing changes to the offer.

10.3. The Offer may be terminated prematurely by agreement of the Parties at any time by signing the contract on termination of the Contract-Offer. In this case, the date of termination of the offer shall be the date of signing of the said contract. The contract can be executed in the form of exchange of letters, according to which each Party’s will to terminate the offer follows, and the order of disposal of funds is determined and agreed upon.

11. Force majeure circumstances

11.1. The parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of obligations under the offer in case if the non-fulfillment of obligations is a result of force majeure.

11.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the temporary failures and interruptions in the work of the Internet resources of the Contractor and the loss of information caused by them, if such circumstances are beyond the control of the Contractor.

12. Other conditions

12.1. The Parties acknowledge that if any provision of the offer agreement becomes invalid during the term of its validity due to changes in legislation, the rest of its provisions are binding on the Parties during the term of the offer.

12.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the result of use or usefulness of the rendered services. In case of inconsistency between the composition of the Services provided under the current contract-offer and the needs of the customer, the Contractor shall not be liable.

12.3 The Contractor shall not be liable for any inconsistency between the Service provided and the Client’s expectations and/or his subjective assessment, such inconsistency with expectations and/or negative subjective assessment are not grounds to consider the services provided not qualitatively, or not in the agreed amount.

13. Addresses and payment details of the Contractor:

Contractor: Alydzhi Oksana Sergeevna, Individual Entrepreneur

Kremenchugskaya Street, Apt. 21, Block 3, Building 1, Flat 264, 191167, St. Petersburg, INN (Taxpayer Personal Identification Number) 644201685307, OGRN (Principal state registration number of the entry in the register on the establishment of a Russian company) 322784700179956, Current Account 40802810190330000881, ‘Bank Sankt Petersburg’ Public Joint Stock Company, Sankt Petersburg, Correspondent Account 30101810900000000790, BIC (Bank Identification Code) 044030790

Individual Entrepreneur O.S. Alydzhi