Legal support of business
We will take care of all legal issues, daily legal tasks in all necessary areas, and you, without being distracted by routine, will concentrate on business development.
- Preparation and analysis of contracts of any complexity (contracts of sale, services, lease, supply, subcontracts, etc.)
- Control over the execution of contracts: accounting for payment terms, rights and obligations of the parties under contracts, maintaining a register of contracts.
- Amendments to contracts and execution of additional agreements, appendix, specifications.
- Legal due diligence of counterparties using information services and databases.
- Accompanying turnkey litigation — from drawing up a claim to the client and filing a lawsuit with the court to receiving writ of execution.
Corporate business support
We will take care of all legal issues, daily legal tasks in all necessary areas, and you, without being distracted by routine, will concentrate on business development.
- Company registration, reorganization, merger and liquidation of companies.
- Drafting of decisions, protocols, applications and execution to the tax authorities.
- Selection of OKVED (NACE codes).
- Change of general manager
- Change of registered address.
- Entry/exit of a participant from the Company.
- Statement from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL).
Helpful informations
Registration of LLC - in our time, an increasing number of people are striving to open their own enterprise, but not everyone knows about the intricacies and difficulties in registering an LLC. Rules and procedures change almost every year, and in order to arrange everything correctly and according to the law, you need to make considerable efforts.
Registration of a joint-stock company - a joint-stock company has a large number of advantages, and due to this, many entrepreneurs choose it when registering a company. A joint-stock company is especially popular in situations where large investments are required at the initial stage.
Registration of an individual entrepreneur - the status of an individual entrepreneur gives the right to independently conduct a business and receive profit from it. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will increase career opportunities due to the opportunity to work on an equal footing with commercial entities. An individual entrepreneur can use a simplified taxation system, which will allow him to increase his net profit.
The purchase and sale of a share in an LLC is the process of transferring the rights and obligations of the founder to a third party for a certain price. Registration of the procedure requires the conclusion of a contract of sale and ends with state registration of a change in the composition of the company's participants. In this case, the seller leaves the list of founders (if he sells the entire part of the authorized capital belonging to him), and the buyer enters. The purchase and sale of a share in an LLC requires proper execution and compliance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the charter of the organization. Violation of the established rules may serve as a basis for the cancellation of the transaction and subsequent registration actions at the suit of interested parties in court. To be sure of the legality of the procedure and to minimize possible legal risks, you should contact professionals.
Withdrawal of a participant from an LLC is a procedure for a participant to voluntarily transfer his share to third parties or other founders of the LLC. The founder of an LLC has the right to leave the company by alienating a share, regardless of the consent of the participants (if this feature is provided for in the charter). The freed share is transferred to the society, and the latter pays its real part. If the LLC has only one founder, his exit is prohibited. By law, at least one member must remain in the organization. Otherwise, you will have to liquidate the company, and then reopen it. The procedure itself consists of several important stages: preparation of an application for withdrawal from the LLC, calculation and distribution of the share, determination of taxes on the share, certification of documents by a notary and transfer to the Federal Tax Service, and the final stage is the receipt of papers. It is important to remember the need to notify partners and the bank about changes.
Registration of separate divisions - novice businessmen who have opened an LLC sometimes forget about such an aspect of entrepreneurial activity as the creation of separate divisions. It would seem that he registered a company and work calmly. However, the legislator establishes a lot of different obligations that will need to be fulfilled. The opening of separate divisions is important for the collection of tax deductions. When expanding a business, an LLC can open several OPs in different cities of its presence. Accordingly, it is at the location of each separate subdivision for each employee who works in them that personal income tax must be paid.